Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - An herb of the Mint family (Sideritis), supposed to heal sword cuts; also, a species of Galeopsis.
- noun - a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Iroquois
- any member of the warlike North American Indian peoples formerly living in New York State; the Iroquois League were allies of the British during the American Revolution
- - Irrelative; unconnected.
- verb - supply with a constant flow or sprinkling of some liquid, for the purpose of cooling, cleansing, or disinfecting; "irrigate the wound"
- supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams;
- - The act of laughing at another; derision.
- noun - something that causes irritation and annoyance; "he's a thorn in my flesh"
- verb - cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations;
- excite to an abnormal condition, or chafe or inflame; "Aspirin irritates my stomach"
- excite to some characteristic action or condition, such as motion, contraction, or nervous impulse, by the application of a stimulus; "irritate the glands of a leaf"
- - To sprinkle or moisten with dew; to bedew.
- verb - enter uninvited; "They intruded on our dinner party"; "She irrupted into our sitting room"
- erupt or intensify suddenly; "Unrest erupted in the country"; "Tempers flared at the meeting"; "The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism"
- increase rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner; "The population of India is exploding"; "The island's rodent population irrupted"