Matching Words
31635 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a fortified military post where troops are stationed
- station (troops) in a fort or garrison
- the troops who maintain and guard a fortified place
- United States abolitionist who published an anti-slavery journal (1805-1879)
- verb - strangle with an iron collar; "people were garrotted during the Inquisition in Spain"
- noun - someone who kills by strangling
- noun - an instrument of execution for execution by strangulation
- strangle with an iron collar; "people were garrotted during the Inquisition in Spain"
- noun - an instrument of execution for execution by strangulation
- strangle with an iron collar; "people were garrotted during the Inquisition in Spain"
- noun - type genus of the Garrulinae: Old World jays
- verb - fasten with or as if with a garter
Gas Bomb
- noun - a bomb laden with chemical agents that are released when the bomb explodes
Gas Gage
- noun - gauge that indicates the amount of gasoline left in the gasoline tank of a vehicle
Gas Heat
- noun - heating system that burns natural gas