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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a sulfonamide (trade name Gantanol) used to treat infections (especially infections of the urinary tract)
  1. noun - a form of punishment in which a person is forced to run between two lines of men facing each other and armed with clubs or whips to beat the victim
  2. a glove of armored leather; protects the hand
  3. a glove with long sleeve
  4. the convergence of two parallel railroad tracks in a narrow place; the inner rails cross and run parallel and then diverge so a train remains on its own tracks at all times
  5. to offer or accept a challenge; "threw down the gauntlet"; "took up the gauntlet"
  1. - A line rigged to a mast; -- used in hoisting rigging; a girtline.
  1. - See Gantlet.
  1. noun - a framework of steel bars raised on side supports to bridge over or around something; can display railway signals above several tracks or can support a traveling crane etc.
  2. Area of bar where optics are kept
  1. noun - (Greek mythology) a Trojan boy who was so beautiful that Zeus carried him away to serve as cupbearer to the gods
  2. the largest of Jupiter's satellites
  1. noun - a criminal who has been jailed repeatedly
  1. - Any strange sight.
  1. - Act of gazing about; sightseeing.
  1. - The parasitic worm that causes the gapes in birds. See Illustration in Appendix.