Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Blank Out
- verb - be unable to remember; "I''m drawing a blank"; "You are blocking the name of your first wife!"
- be unable to remember; "I'm drawing a blank"; "You are blocking the name of your first wife!"
- cut out, as for political reasons; "several line in the report were blanked out"
- verb - cover as if with a blanket; "snow blanketed the fields"
- covered with (or as if with) a blanket
- form a blanket-like cover (over)
- noun - the state of being blank; void; emptiness
- verb - influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering; "He palavered her into going along"
- verb - speak of in an irreverent or impious manner; "blaspheme God"
- utter obscenities or profanities; "The drunken men were cursing loudly in the street"
- noun - blasphemous behavior; the act of depriving something of its sacred character; "desecration of the Holy Sabbath"
- blasphemous language (expressing disrespect for God or for something sacred)
Blast Off
- verb - launch with great force; "the rockets were blasted off"
- adjective - of or relating to blastemata
- adjective - of or relating to blastemata