Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a black-tipped plug clogging a pore of the skin
- noun - a substance used to produce a shiny protective surface on footwear
- noun - a common scrubby deciduous tree of central and southeastern United States having dark bark and broad three-lobed (club-shaped) leaves; tends to form dense thickets
- a flag usually bearing a white skull and crossbones on a black background; indicates a pirate ship
- a gambling game using cards; the object is to hold cards having a higher count than those dealt to the banker up to but not exceeding 21
- a piece of metal covered by leather with a flexible handle; used for hitting people
- exert pressure on someone through threats
- verb - cover with graphite
- noun - Also called black quarter, symptomatic anthrax. Veterinary Pathology. an infectious, often fatal disease of cattle and sheep, caused by the soil bacterium Clostridium chauvoei and characterized by painful, gaseous swellings in the muscles
- someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike
- take the place of work of someone on strike
- noun - a list of people who are out of favor
- put on a blacklist so as to banish or cause to be boycotted; "many books were blacklisted by the Nazis"
- noun - exert pressure on someone through threats
- extortion of money by threats to divulge discrediting information
- obtain through threats
- noun - the quality or state of the achromatic color of least lightness (bearing the least resemblance to white)
- total absence of light; "they fumbled around in total darkness"; "in the black of night"
- noun - a momentary loss of consciousness
- a suspension of radio or tv broadcasting
- darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible to enemy aircraft)
- partial or total loss of memory; "he has a total blackout for events of the evening"
- the failure of electric power for a general region