Matching Words
33395 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Soy Sauce
- noun - thin sauce made of fermented soy beans
Soya Bean
- noun - a source of oil; used for forage and soil improvement and as food
- erect bushy hairy annual herb having trifoliate leaves and purple to pink flowers; extensively cultivated for food and forage and soil improvement but especially for its nutritious oil-rich seeds; native to Asia
- the most highly proteinaceous vegetable known; the fruit of the soybean plant is used in a variety of foods and as fodder (especially as a replacement for animal protein)
Soya Milk
- noun - a milk substitute containing soybean flour and water; used in some infant formulas and in making tofu
Space Age
- noun - the age beginning with the first space travel; from 1957 to the present
Space Bar
- noun - the bar-shaped typewriter key that introduces spaces when used
Space Key
- - A bar or key, in a typewriter, typesetting machine, or other keyboard (as a computer keyboard), used to insert a space between letters.
- - a facility where vehicles are launched into space.
- noun - a spacecraft designed to carry a crew into interstellar space (especially in science fiction)
- noun - a pressure suit worn by astronauts while in outer space