Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - To invest with the privileges of a denizen; to naturalize.
- verb - bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant; "an indentured servant"
- cut or tear along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for authentication; "indent the documents"
- make a depression into; "The bicycle dented my car"
- notch the edge of or make jagged
- set in from the margin; "Indent the paragraphs of a letter"
- noun - the space left between the margin and the start of an indented line
- noun - a concave cut into a surface or edge (as in a coastline)
- a contract binding one party into the service of another for a specified term
- bind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant; "an indentured servant"
- formal agreement between the issuer of bonds and the bondholders as to terms of the debt
- the space left between the margin and the start of an indented line
- adjective - of or relating to or serving as an index
- noun - the act of classifying and providing an index in order to make items easier to retrieve
- adjective - lacking an index
- verb - adjust through indexation; "The government indexes wages and prices"
- list in an index
- provide with an index; "index the book"
India Ink
- noun - a black liquid ink used for printing or writing or drawing
- unknown - Those living in Indiana