Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- adjective - currently holding an office; "the incumbent governor"
- lying or leaning on something else; "an incumbent geological formation"
- necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility; morally binding; "it is incumbent on them to pay their own debts"
- the official who holds an office
- adjective - a person whose disease is incurable
- incapable of being cured; "an incurable disease"; "an incurable addiction to smoking"
- unalterable in disposition or habits; "an incurable optimist"
- adverb - in a manner impossible to cure; "he is incurably ill"
- to an incurable degree; "she was incurably optimistic"
- adjective - showing absence of intellectual inquisitiveness or natural curiosity; "strangely incurious about the cause of the political upheaval surrounding them"
- - Characterized by a current which flows inward; as, the incurrent orifice of lamellibranch Mollusca.
- verb - acquiring or coming into something (usually undesirable); "incurring debts is easier than paying them"
- ions"
- make oneself subject to; bring upon oneself; become liable to; "People who smoke incur a great danger to their health"
- noun - an attack that penetrates into enemy territory
- raid
- the act of entering some territory or domain (often in large numbers); "the incursion of television into the American living room"
- the mistake of incurring liability or blame
- adjective - involving invasion or aggressive attack; "invasive war"
- adjective - bend inwards; "The body incurvates a little at the back"
- bent into or having an inward curve
- cause to curve inward; "gravity incurvates the rays"