Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
In Unison
- adverb - at the same pitch; "they sang in unison"
- in complete agreement; "my feelings about the matter are in unison with yours"
- speaking or singing at the same time; simultaneously; "they shouted `Yes!' in unison"; "they responded in chorus to the teacher's questions"
- speaking or singing at the same time; simultaneously; "they shouted `Yes!'' in unison"; "they responded in chorus to the teacher''s questions"
In Use(P)
- adjective - (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; (`engaged'' is a British term for a busy telephone line); "her line is busy"; "receptionists'' telephones are always engaged"; "the lavatory
- - An old game played with four dice. In signified a doublet, or two dice alike; in-and-in, either two doubles, or the four dice alike.
- noun - a wood or metal receptacle placed on your desk to hold your incoming material
- adjective - between the first and third base lines
- adjective - an appearance carried out personally in someone else's physical presence; "he carried out the negotiations in person"; "a personal appearance is an appearance by a person in the flesh"
- noun - lack of ability (especially mental ability) to do something
- lacking the power to perform
- noun - the state of being inactive
- - Not affable; reserved in social intercourse.