Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
In Demand
- adjective - greatly desired
In Detail
- adverb - thoroughly (including all important particulars); "he studied the snake in detail"
In Effect
- adjective - exerting force or influence;
- in actuality or reality or fact; "she is effectively his wife"; "in effect, they had no choice"
In Flight
- adverb - flying through the air; "we saw the ducks in flight"
In For(P)
- adjective - certain to get or have; "he knew he was in for a licking"
In Height
- adjective - having a specified height; "five feet tall"; "five feet in height"
In Hiding
- adverb - quietly in concealment; "he lay doggo"
In League
- adjective - (usually followed by `with') united in effort as if in a league; "they found out that some policemen were in league with the criminals"
In No Way
- adjective - in no manner; "We could nohow make out his handwriting"
In Person
- adverb - in the flesh; without involving anyone else; "I went there personally"; "he appeared in person"