Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
High Spot
- noun - the most interesting or memorable part; "the highlight of the tour was our visit to the Vatican"
High Tech
- noun - highly advanced technological development (especially in electronics)
High Tide
- noun - the tide when the water is highest
High Time
- noun - the latest possible moment; "it is high time you went to work"
High Wind
- noun - a very strong wind; "rain and high winds covered the region"
High Wire
- noun - a tightrope very high above the ground
- - Bred in high life; of pure blood.
- noun - a gesture of greeting or elation; one person's upraised palm slaps the upraised palm of another person
- adjective - tower consisting of a multistoried building of offices or apartments; "`tower block' is the British term for `high-rise'"
- used of buildings of many stories equipped with elevators; tall; "avenues lined with high-rise apartment buildings"
- adjective - not financially safe or secure; "a bad investment"; "high risk investments"; "anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky"; "speculative business enterprises"