Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
High Beam
- noun - the beam of a car''s headlights that provides distant illumination
- the beam of a car's headlights that provides distant illumination
High Gear
- noun - a forward gear with a gear ratio giving high vehicle velocity for a given engine speed
- a forward gear with a gear ratio that gives the greatest vehicle velocity for a given engine speed
High Jinx
- noun - noisy and mischievous merrymaking
High Jump
- noun - a competition that involves jumping as high as possible over a horizontal bar
- a competition that involves jumping as high as possible over a horizontal high bar
- the act of jumping as high as possible over a horizontal bar
High Life
- noun - excessive spending
High Mass
- noun - a solemn and elaborate Mass with music
High Noon
- noun - the middle of the day
High Road
- - The most ethical and honest method; -- used mostly in the phrase to take the high road (as in an election campaign). Contrasted with low road.
High Sign
- noun - a silent signal of warning or recognition; "she started to speak but he gave her the high sign"