Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- unknown - Periods of extreme hot weather
- - To render like heaven or fit for heaven.
- noun - an oppressive quality that is laborious and solemn and lacks grace or fluency; "a book so serious that it sometimes subsided into ponderousness"; "his lectures tend to heaviness and repetition"
- persisting sadness; "nothing lifted the heaviness of her heart after her loss"
- the property of being comparatively great in weight; "the heaviness of lead"
- unwelcome burdensome difficulty
- used of a line or mark
- noun - English physicist and electrical engineer who helped develop telegraphic and telephonic communications; in 1902 (independent of A. E. Kennelly) he suggested the existence of an atmospheric layer that reflects radio waves back to earth (1850-1925)
- noun - any period of seven consecutive days; "it rained for a week"
- noun - mental lethargy or dullness
- adjective - of or relating to or characteristic of the Hebrews; "the old Hebrew prophets"
- of or relating to the language of the Hebrews; "Hebrew vowels"