Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - One who, or that which, heartens, animates, or stirs up.
- adjective - earnest; "one's dearest wish"; "devout wishes for their success"; "heartfelt condolences"
- Sincere
- noun - a rug spread out in front of a fireplace
- adjective - consuming abundantly and with gusto; "a hearty (or healthy) appetite"
- endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health; "a hearty glow of health"
- providing abundant nourishment; "a hearty meal"; "good solid food"; "ate a substantial breakfast"; "four square meals a day"
- showing warm and heartfelt friendliness; "gave us a cordial reception"; "a hearty welcome"
- without reservation; "hearty support"
- noun - the central region of a country or continent; especially a region that is important to a country or to a culture
- noun - evergreen low-growing perennial having mottled green and silvery-grey heart-shaped pungent leaves; Virginia to South Carolina
- wild ginger having persistent heart-shaped pungent leaves; West Virginia to Alabama
- adjective - devoid of courage or enthusiasm
- lacking in feeling or pity or warmth
- Uncaring
- noun - any plant disease in which the central part of a plant rots (especially in trees)
- noun - herbaceous vine of tropical America and Africa
- adjective - full of sorrow
- without or almost without hope; "despondent about his failure"; "too heartsick to fight back"