Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - prudence in avoiding waste
- - The fruit bate; a group of the Cheiroptera, comprising the bats which live on fruits. See Eruit bat, under Fruit.
Fruit Bar
- noun - cookies containing chopped fruits either mixed in the dough or spread between layers of dough then baked and cut in bars
Fruit Bat
- noun - large Old World bat of warm and tropical regions that feeds on fruit
Fruit Fly
- noun - any of numerous small insects whose larvae feed on fruits
- noun - the yield of fruit; "a tree highly recommended for its fruitage"
- noun - a rich cake containing dried fruit and nuts and citrus peel and so on
- a whimsically eccentric person
- noun - a person who sells fruit
- adjective - informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband barmy"
- tasting or smelling richly of or as of fruit