Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- adjective - not serious in content or attitude or behavior; "a frivolous novel"; "a frivolous remark"; "a frivolous young woman"
- Trifling
- unknown - A word associated with Italian sparkling wines.
- adjective - (of hair) in small tight curls
- adjective - (of hair) in small tight curls
- verb - curl tightly; "crimp hair"
- fry something until it curls and becomes crisp
- noun - English explorer who led an expedition in search of the Northwest Passage to the orient; served under Drake and helped defeat the Spanish Armada (1535-1594)
Frog Kick
- noun - a swimming kick; knees are drawn upward and outward so the legs can be brought together when fully extended
Frog Legs
- noun - hind legs of frogs used as food; resemble chicken and cooked as chicken