Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- adverb - in a fretful manner; "fretfully, the baby tossed in his crib"
- noun - framework consisting of an ornamental design made of strips of wood or metal
- unknown - A bird member of the Honeyeaters and the Australian chats make up the family Meliphagidae. They are a large and diverse family of small to medium sized birds.
- - Frivolous; trining; toolishly captious.
- noun - make a fricassee of by cooking; "fricassee meats"
- pieces of chicken or other meat stewed in gravy with e.g. carrots and onions and served with noodles or dumplings
- adjective - a continuant consonant produced by breath moving against a narrowing of the vocal tract
- of speech sounds produced by forcing air through a constricted passage (as `f', `s', `z', or `th' in both `thin' and `then')
- noun - a state of conflict between persons
- effort expended in moving one object over another with pressure
- the resistance encountered when one body is moved in contact with another
Fried Egg
- noun - eggs cooked by sauteing in oil or butter; sometimes turned and cooked on both sides
- noun - small cake in the form of a ring or twist or ball or strip fried in deep fat