Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - coat or back with metal foil; "foliate glass"
- decorate with leaves
- grow leaves; "the tree foliated in Spring"
- hammer into thin flat foils; "foliate metal"
- number the pages of a book or manuscript
- noun - (architecture) leaf-like architectural ornament
- (botany) the process of forming leaves
- (geology) the arrangement of leaflike layers in a rock
- the production of foil by cutting or beating metal into thin leaves
- the work of coating glass with metal foil
- adjective - (often used as a combining form) having leaflets (compound leaves) or a specified kind or number of leaflets; "`foliolate' is combined with the prefix `bi' to form the word `bifoliolate'"
- - The ponderousness or bulk of a folio; voluminousness.
Folk Lore
- - Tales, legends, or superstitions long current among the people; the unwritten literature of a culture, such as stories, proverbs, riddles and songs.
Folk Poet
- noun - a folk writer who composes in verse
Folk Song
- noun - a song that is traditionally sung by the common people of a region and forms part of their culture
Folk Tale
- noun -
- a tale circulated by word of mouth among the common folk