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33398 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - State of being fluxible.
  1. - Pertaining to, or having the nature of, fluxion or fluxions; variable; inconstant.
  1. noun - meter that measures magnetic flux by the current it generates in a coil
Fly Blind
  1. verb - fly an airplane solely by relying on instruments
Fly Floor
  1. noun - a narrow raised platform at the side of a stage in a theater; stagehands can work the ropes controlling equipment in the flies
Fly Front
  1. noun - an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or buttons concealed by a fold of cloth
  2. an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth
Fly Sheet
  1. noun - flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent
  1. unknown - a type of holiday
  1. noun - the highest navigational bridge on a ship; a small (often open) deck above the pilot house
  1. verb - fish with flies as lures