Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - The bite of a flea, or the red spot caused by the bite.
- noun - any of several North American plants of the genus Erigeron having daisylike flowers; formerly believed to repel fleas
- common North American weed with linear leaves and small discoid heads of yellowish flowers; widely naturalized throughout temperate regions; sometimes placed in genus Erigeron
- hairy perennial Eurasian herb with yellow daisylike flowers reputed to destroy or drive away fleas
- noun - plantain of Mediterranean regions whose seeds swell and become gelatinous when moist and are used as a mild laxative
- unknown - bomb like device dropped from ww1 aircraft
- noun - deviation from a straight or normal course
- the state of being flexed (as of a joint)
- adjective - (of a young bird) having acquired its flight feathers; "a fledgling robin"
- any new participant in some activity
- young and inexperienced; "a fledgling enterprise"; "a fledgling skier"; "an unfledged lawyer"
- young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flying
- adjective - (of fabrics) having soft nap produced by brushing; "a dress of brushed cotton"; "a fleecy lining"; "napped fabrics"
- - A mixture of buttermilk and boiling whey; curds.
- noun - rapidity of movement; "fleetness of foot"