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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - State of being filmy.
  1. noun - a producer of motion pictures
  1. unknown - a length of film containing a series of related transparencies for projection on a screen.
  1. - A hairlike feather; a father with a slender scape and without a web in most or all of its length.
  1. - A kind of silk thread less glossy than floss, and spun from coarser material. It is much used in embroidery instead of floss.
  1. noun - animal viruses belonging to the family Filoviridae
  1. verb - pass through; "Water permeates sand easily"
  2. remove by passing through a filter;
  3. run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream; "water trickled onto the lawn from the broken hose"; "reports began to dribble in"
  1. adjective - characterized by obscenity;
  2. disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter;
  3. vile; despicable; "a dirty (or lousy) trick"; "a filthy traitor"
  1. verb - remove by passing through a filter;
  1. noun - remove by passing through a filter;
  2. the product of filtration; a gas or liquid that has been passed through a filter