Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Filled Up
- verb - become full; "The pool slowly filled with water"; "The theater filled up slowly"
- eat until one is sated; "He filled up on turkey"
- fill or stop up;
- make full, also in a metaphorical sense; "fill a container"; "fill the child with pride"
- verb - cut into filets; "filet the fish"
- Deboned
- decorate with a lace of geometric designs
- - a type of rebate plane
- The rabbet on the outer edge of a sash bar to hold the glass and the putty.
Film Clip
- noun - a strip of motion picture film used in a telecast
Film Fern
- noun - any fern of the genus Hymenophyllum growing in tropical humid regions and having translucent leaves
Film Noir
- noun - a movie that is marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, menace, and cynical characters; "film noir was applied by French critics to describe American thriller or detective films in the 1940s"
Film Over
- verb - become glassy; lose clear vision; "Her eyes glazed over from lack of sleep"
Film Star
- noun - a star who plays leading roles in the cinema
- verb - make films; be a film maker