Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Marco Polo
- noun - Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324)
Mardi Gras
- noun - a carnival held in some countries on Shrove Tuesday (the last day before Lent) but especially in New Orleans
- the last day before Lent
- The last day of Carnival; Shrove Tuesday; -- in some cities a great day of carnival and merrymaking.
- the pre-Lenten festival of Shrove Tuesday
Mares Nest
- unknown - Complex situation
Mares Tail
- unknown - Common aquatic plant, invasive and deep-rooted. Also known as horse tail.
- noun - a spread made chiefly from vegetable oils and used as a substitute for butter
- noun - the ninth month of the Hindu calendar
Margay Cat
- noun - small spotted wildcat found from Texas to Brazil
- noun - notes written in the margin
- adverb - in a marginal manner; "marginally interesting"