Matching Words
31342 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - make a marcel in a woman's hair
- - Withering without falling off; fading; decaying.
March King
- noun - a United States bandmaster and composer of military marches (1854-1932)
- - A warden of the marches; a marcher.
- noun - type genus of Marchantiaceae; liverworts that reproduce asexually by gemmae and have stalked antheridiophores
- noun - district consisting of the area on either side of a border or boundary of a country or an area; "the Welsh marches between England and Wales"
- noun - almond paste and egg whites
- noun - the Christian heresy of the 2nd and 3rd centuries that rejected the Old Testament and denied the incarnation of God in Jesus as a human
- - A follower of Marcion, a Gnostic of the second century, who adopted the Oriental notion of the two conflicting principles, and imagined that between them there existed a third power, neither wholly good nor evil, the Creator of the world and of man, and the God of the Jewish dispensation.