Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Rubber Boot
- noun - a high boot made of rubber
Rubber Tire
- noun - a tire consisting of a rubber ring around the rim of an automobile wheel
Rubber Tree
- noun - small genus of South American trees yielding latex; "rubber trees are usually cultivated in plantations"
- verb - coat or impregnate with rubber; "rubberize fabric for rain coats"
- verb - coat or impregnate with rubber; "rubberize fabric for rain coats"
- noun - a person who stares inquisitively
- a tourist who is visiting sights of interest
- strain to watch; stare curiously; "The cars slowed down and the drivers rubbernecked after the accident"
- verb - approve automatically
- stamp with a rubber stamp, usually an indication of official approval on a document
- noun - a medicine for external application that produces redness of the skin
- - The act or process of making red.