Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a restaurant that specializes in roasted and barbecued meats
- an oven or broiler equipped with a rotating spit on which meat cooks as it turns
- noun - printed material (text and pictures) produced by an intaglio printing process in a rotary press
- printing by transferring an image from a photogravure plate to a cylinder in a rotary press
- using photography to produce a plate for printing
Rotor Blade
- noun - the long airfoil that rotates to provide the lift that supports a helicopter in the air
Rotor Shaft
- noun - the axis around which the major rotor of a helicopter turns
- noun - a weathered and decomposed siliceous limestone; in powdered form it is used in polishing
- noun - the fullness of a tone of voice; "there is a musky roundness to his wordiness"
- the roundness of a 3-dimensional object
Rouge Plant
- noun - bushy houseplant having white to pale pink flowers followed by racemes of scarlet berries; tropical Americas
Rough Rider
- noun - a member of the volunteer cavalry regiment led by Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War (1898)
Rough Water
- noun - used of the sea
- used of the sea during inclement or stormy weather
- verb - dry without smoothing or ironing; "rough-dry the laundry"