Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Power Mower
- noun - a lawn mower powered by a gasoline motor
Power Plant
- noun - an electrical generating station
Power Pylon
- noun - a large vertical steel tower supporting high-tension power lines; "power pylons are a favorite target for terrorists"
Power Train
- noun - wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed; "the fool got his tie caught in the geartrain"
- noun - a person who is important by virtue of the people or votes they control; "a power broker who does you a favor will expect you to return it"
- noun - a highly energetic and indefatigable person
- a team considered to be the best of its class
- an electrical generating station
- adverb - in a powerless manner
- unknown - A system of mechanical parts in a vehicle that first produces energy then converts it in order to propel it.
- verb - wash before painting to remove old paint and mildew; "pressure-wash the house"