Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A detachable share at the extreme front end of the plow body.
- noun - a sharp steel wedge that cuts loose the top layer of soil
- noun - a workman who makes and repairs plows
Plum Tomato
- noun - a kind of cherry tomato that has an oblong shape
- a kind of cherry tomato that is frequently used in cooking rather than eaten raw
- an Italian variety of cherry tomato that is shaped like a plum
- oblong cherry tomato
Plumb Level
- noun - a carpenter''s level with a plumb line at right angles to it
- a carpenter's level with a plumb line at right angles to it
Plume Grass
- noun - a reedlike grass of the genus Erianthus having large plumes
Plume Poppy
- noun - herb of China and Japan widely cultivated for its plumelike panicles of creamy white flowers
- - Feathered; having feathers.
- - Having the of a plume or feather.
- noun - Overweight
- the bodily property of being well rounded