Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A group of fresh-water turtles in which the neck can not be retracted, but is bent to one side, for protection. The matamata is an example.
- noun - an animal having teeth fused with the inner surface of the alveolar ridge without sockets
- noun - pain in the chest caused by inflammation of the muscles between the ribs
- - A group of Isectivora, including the colugo.
- - A genus of diatoms of elongated elliptical shape, but having the sides slightly curved in the form of a letter S. Pleurosigma angulatum has very fine striations, and is a favorite object for testing the high powers of microscopes.
- noun - small genus comprising terrestrial ferns; found in Chile and Spain and Morocco and Australia and New Zealand
- - The antero-lateral piece which articulates the sternum of birds.
- noun - a small thin metal plate held against the body and struck with a plexor in percussive examinations
Plott Hound
- noun - a brindle-coated American hound used in hunting bears and wild boars
- noun - arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops