Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - collapse caused by exposure to excessive heat
- adjective - peculiarly fortunate or appropriate; as if by divine intervention; "a heaven-sent rain saved the crops"; "a providential recovery"
- adverb - toward heaven; "he pointed heavenward"
- noun - an oppressive quality that is laborious and solemn and lacks grace or fluency; "a book so serious that it sometimes subsided into ponderousness"; "his lectures tend to heaviness and repetition"
- persisting sadness; "nothing lifted the heaviness of her heart after her loss"
- the property of being comparatively great in weight; "the heaviness of lead"
- unwelcome burdensome difficulty
- used of a line or mark
Heavy Cream
- noun - contains more than 36% butterfat
Heavy Metal
- noun - a metal of relatively high density (specific gravity greater than about 5) or of high relative atomic weight
- a metal of relatively high density (specific gravity greater than about 5) or of high relative atomic weight (especially one that is poisonous like mercury or lead)
- loud and harsh sounding rock music with a strong beat; lyrics usually involve violent or fantastic imagery
Heavy Swell
- noun - a broad and deep undulation of the ocean
Heavy Water
- noun - water containing a substantial proportion of deuterium atoms, used in nuclear reactors
- adjective - having massive arms; "he was big-chested, big-shouldered and heavy-armed"