Matching Words
26345 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - the state of being vigorous and free from bodily or mental disease
Hearing Aid
- noun - a conical acoustic device formerly used to direct sound to the ear of a hearing-impaired person
- an electronic device that amplifies sound and is worn to compensate for poor hearing
Hearing Dog
- noun - dog trained to assist the deaf by signaling the occurrence of certain sounds
- - A cloth for covering a coffin when on a bier; a pall.
Heart Block
- noun - recurrent sudden attacks of unconsciousness caused by impaired conduction of the impulse that regulates the heartbeat
Heart Throb
- unknown - An adored or loved person
Heart Valve
- noun - a valve to control one-way flow of blood
- an implant that replaces a natural cardiac valve
- an implant that replaces a natural heart valve
- - A part of the breastbone.
- adjective - with unconditional and enthusiastic devotion; "heart-whole friendship"; "gave wholehearted support to her candidacy"; "wholehearted commitment"; "demonstrated his whole-souled allegiance"
- noun - intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by death)