Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Zeeman Effect
- - The widening and duplication, triplication, etc., of spectral lines when the radiations emanate in a strong magnetic field, first observed in 1896 by P. Zeeman, a Dutch physicist, and regarded as an important confirmation of the electromagnetic theory of light.
Zellig Harris
- noun - United States linguist (born in Ukraine) who developed mathematical linguistics and interpreted speech and writing in a social context (1909-1992)
Zero-Sum Game
- noun - a game in which the total of all the gains and losses is zero
- noun - vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment
Zinc Ointment
- noun - an ointment containing zinc that is used to treat certain skin diseases
Zinc Sulphate
- noun - a colorless water-soluble powder; used as a mordant or to preserve wood or for the electrodeposition of zinc
Zinc Sulphide
- noun - a yellow to white crystalline fluorescent compound that occurs naturally as sphalerite or wurtzite and is used as a luminous pigment
- - The act or process of applying zinc; the condition of being zincified, or covered with zinc; galvanization.
- noun - a family of tropical monocotyledonous plants of order Musales
- noun - genus to which Australopithecus boisei was formerly assigned