Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Write In Code
- verb - convert ordinary language into code; "We should encode the message for security reasons"
Writer's Name
- noun - the name that appears on the by-line to identify the author of a work
Writers Cramp
- unknown - seizing up of muscles when trying to write
Writing Board
- noun - work surface consisting of a wide light-weight board that can be placed across the lap and used for writing
- work surface consisting of a wide lightweight board that can be placed across the lap and used for writing
Writing Paper
- noun - paper material made into thin sheets that are sized to take ink; used for writing correspondence and manuscripts
Writing Style
- noun - a style of expressing yourself in writing
Writing Table
- noun - a desk used for writing
- adverb - in a wrongheaded manner
Wyethia Ovata
- noun - low tufted white-woolly yellow-flowered herb of California
X-Linked Gene
- noun - a gene located on an X chromosome