Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - having a wide variety of skills
- noun - a metrical adaptation of something (e.g., of a prose text)
- the art or practice of writing verse
- the form or metrical composition of a poem
Vertical Bank
- noun - a bank so steep that the plane''s lateral axis approaches the vertical
- a bank so steep that the plane's lateral axis approaches the vertical
Vertical File
- noun - a file in which records are stored upright on one edge
Vertical Tail
- noun - the vertical airfoil in the tail assembly of an aircraft
- noun - position at right angles to the horizon
- adjective - forming one or more whorls (especially a whorl of leaves around a stem)
- unknown - extremely high or steep
Vervet Monkey
- noun - South African monkey with black face and hands
Very Reverend
- noun - a title of respect for various ecclesiastical officials (as cathedral deans and canons and others)