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15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Vena Phrenica
  1. noun - either of two veins that drain the diaphragm
Vena Poplitea
  1. noun - a vein arising in the knee and ascending to become the femoral vein
Vena Pylorica
  1. noun - a tributary of the right gastric vein
Vena Radialis
  1. noun - superficial veins ascending the radial side of the forearm; combines with the ulnar veins to form the brachial vein
Vena Rectalis
  1. noun - any of several veins draining the walls of the anal canal and rectum
Vena Sacralis
  1. noun - vein of the sacral region
Vena Spinalis
  1. noun - veins that drain the spinal cord
Vena Tibialis
  1. noun - veins of the lower leg; empty into the popliteal vein
Vendor's Lien
  1. - An implied lien (that is, one not created by mortgage or other express agreement) given in equity to a vendor of lands for the unpaid purchase money.
  1. noun - the quality of deserving veneration