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Below are the words that matched your query.

Tour De Force
  1. noun - a masterly or brilliant feat
Tourist Class
  1. noun - inexpensive accommodations on a ship or train
Tourist Court
  1. noun - a hotel for motorists; provides direct access from rooms to parking area
  1. - A kind of starch with very large, oval, flattened grains, often sold as arrowroot, and extensively used for adulterating cocoa. It is made from the rootstocks of a species of Canna, probably Canna edulis, the tubers of which are edible every month in the year.
Tout Ensemble
  1. adverb - a total impression or effect of something made up of individual parts
  2. an assemblage of parts or details (as in a work of art) considered as forming a whole
  3. with everything considered (and neglecting details); "altogether, I''m sorry it happened"; "all in all, it''s not so bad"
  4. with everything considered (and neglecting details); "altogether, I'm sorry it happened"; "all in all, it's not so bad"
  1. - All together; hence, in costume, the fine arts, etc., the general effect of a work as a whole, without regard to the execution of the separate perts.
Tower Hamlets
  1. unknown - area of London
Tower Mustard
  1. noun - European cress having stiff erect stems; sometimes placed in genus Turritis
  2. or genus Arabis: erect cress widely distributed throughout Europe
Town And Gown
  1. - Of or pertaining to interactions between a college or university and the residents of the town in which the institution is located; as, a town and gown dispute.
Town Planning
  1. noun - determining and drawing up plans for the future physical arrangement and condition of a community