Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A swashbuckler; a bully; a roisterer.
Swinging Chad
- noun - a chad that is incompletely removed and still attached at two corners
Swinging Door
- noun - a door that swings on a double hinge; opens in either direction
Swinging Post
- noun - the gatepost on which the gate is hung
Switch Engine
- noun - a locomotive for switching rolling stock in a railroad yard
- noun - a baseball player who can bat either right or left handed
- slang term for a bisexual person
Swizzle Stick
- noun - a small stick used to stir mixed drinks
Sword Dancing
- noun - any of various dances by men who step nimbly over swords or flourish them in the air
- - Having the capacity of bearing several successive crops of fruit without perishing; as, sychnocarpous plants.