Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Capability of being suscitated; excitability.
- adjective - serving to sustain or support; "sustentacular cells"
- noun - the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence; "they were in want of sustenance"; "fishing was their main sustainment"
Swagger Stick
- noun - a short cane or stick covered with leather and carried by army officers
Swamp Candles
- noun - North American plant with spikes of yellow flowers, found in wet places
Swamp Cypress
- noun - common cypress of southeastern United States having trunk expanded at base; found in coastal swamps and flooding river bottoms
Swamp Hickory
- noun - hickory of the eastern United States having a leaves with 7 or 9 leaflets and thin-shelled very bitter nuts
Swamp Red Oak
- noun - large round-topped deciduous tree with spreading branches having narrow falcate leaves with deeply sinuate lobes and wood similar to that of northern red oaks; New Jersey to Illinois and southward
Swamp Sparrow
- noun - North American finch of marshy area
- noun - a swarthy complexion