Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - a friend who attends the same school
- adjective - befitting or characteristic of a young girl; "girlish charm"; "a dress too schoolgirlish for office wear"
- unknown - old fashioned. prudish
- noun - any person (or institution) who acts as an educator
- food fish of warm Caribbean and Atlantic waters
- presiding officer of a school
- noun - a teacher in a school below the college level
- - A mineral occurring in steel-gray flexible folia. It contains iron, nickel, and phosphorus, and is found only in meteoric iron.
- noun - special police force in Nazi Germany founded as a personal bodyguard for Adolf Hitler in 1925; the SS administered the concentration camps
Sciaenid Fish
- noun - widely distributed family of carnivorous percoid fishes having a large air bladder used to produce sound
- - Pertaining to sciagraphy.
Sciatic Nerve
- noun - arises from the sacral plexus and passes about halfway down the thigh where it divides into the common peroneal and tibial nerves