Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Sandarac Tree
- noun - large coniferous evergreen tree of North Africa and Spain having flattened branches and scalelike leaves yielding a hard fragrant wood; bark yields a resin used in varnishes
Sandbar Shark
- noun - most common gray shark along coasts of middle Atlantic states; sluggish and occasionally caught by fishermen
- most common grey shark along coasts of middle Atlantic states; sluggish and occasionally caught by fishermen
- widely distributed shallow-water shark with fins seemingly dipped in ink
Sandfly Fever
- noun - a mild viral disease transmitted by the bite of the sand fly Phlebotomus papatasii
- - Of a blood-red color; sanguine.
- - The state of being sanguinolent, or bloody.
Sanitary Code
- noun - set of standards established and enforced by government for health requirements as in plumbing etc
- noun - making something sanitary (free of germs) as by sterilizing
- noun - making something sanitary (free of germs) as by sterilizing
- - Pertaining to, or involving, sans-culottism; radical; revolutionary; Jacobinical.
Santa Barbara
- noun - a town in southwestern California on the Pacific Ocean