Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Safety Device
- noun - a device designed to prevent injury
- a device designed to prevent injury or accidents
Safety Factor
- noun - the ratio of the breaking stress of a structure to the estimated maximum stress in ordinary use
Safety Island
- noun - a curbed area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded; provides safe area for pedestrians
- an island area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded; provides safe area for pedestrians
Safety Margin
- noun - an index indicating the amount beyond the minimum necessary; "in engineering the margin of safety is the strength of the material minus the anticipated stress"
- the margin required in order to insure safety; "in engineering the margin of safety is the strength of the material minus the anticipated stress"
Safflower Oil
- noun - oil from safflower seeds used as food as well as in medicines and paints
- oil from seeds of the safflower plant
- noun - the mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations
- the trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating
Sahara Desert
- noun - the world''s largest desert (3,500,000 square miles) in northern Africa
- the world's largest desert (3,500,000 square miles) in northern Africa
Saint Ambrose
- noun - (Roman Catholic Church) Roman priest who became bishop of Milan; the first Church Father born and raised in the Christian faith; composer of hymns; imposed orthodoxy on the early Christian church and built up its secular power; a saint and Doctor of the C
- (Roman Catholic Church) Roman priest who became bishop of Milan; the first Church Father born and raised in the Christian faith; composer of hymns; imposed orthodoxy on the early Christian church and built up its secular power; a saint and Doctor of the Church (340?-397)
Saint Bernard
- noun -
- a Swiss alpine breed of large powerful dog with a thick coat of hair used as a rescue dog