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Below are the words that matched your query.

Running Noose
  1. noun - a loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknot; it binds tighter as the cord or rope is pulled
Running Start
  1. noun - a quick and auspicious beginning
  2. a racing start in which the contestants are already in full motion when they pass the starting line
Running Title
  1. noun - the title (or a shortened title) of a book used as a running head
Runtime Error
  1. noun - an error in logic or arithmetic that must be detected at run time
Rupert Brooke
  1. noun - English lyric poet (1887-1915)
Rupert's Drop
  1. - A kind of glass drop with a long tail, made by dropping melted glass into water. It is remarkable for bursting into fragments when the surface is scratched or the tail broken; -- so called from Prince Rupert, nephew of Charles I., by whom they were first brought to England. Called also Rupert's ball, and glass tear.
Russel Crouse
  1. noun - United States playwright (1893-1966)
Russian Olive
  1. noun - deciduous shrubby tree of Europe and western Asia having gray leaves and small yellow fruits covered in silvery scales; sometimes spiny
  2. deciduous shrubby tree of Europe and western Asia having grey leaves and small yellow fruits covered in silvery scales; sometimes spiny
Russian River
  1. noun - a river in northern California
  1. - The act or process of Russifying, or the state of being Russified.