Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- noun - comprises fungi bearing the spores on a basidium; includes Gasteromycetes (puffballs) and Tiliomycetes comprising the orders Ustilaginales (smuts) and Uredinales (rusts) and Hymenomycetes (mushrooms, toadstools, agarics and bracket fungi); in some classification systems considered a division of kingdom Fungi
- noun - a sexually produced fungal spore borne on a basidium
- - Of or pertaining to the bone in the base of the cranium, frequently forming a part of the occipital in the adult, but usually distinct in the young. -- n. The basioccipital bone.
- - A bar of cartilage at the base of the embryonic fins of some fishes. It develops into the metapterygium.
- - Applied to a protuberance of the base of the sphenoid bone.
Basket Flower
- noun - annual of southwestern United States cultivated for its purple flower heads and its bracts that resemble small baskets
- annual of southwestern United States cultivated for its purple-rayed flower heads and its bracts that resemble small baskets
Basket Willow
- noun - Eurasian osier having reddish or purple twigs and bark rich in tannin
- adjective - shaped like a basket
- noun - someone skilled in weaving baskets
Basking Shark
- noun - large harmless plankton-eating northern shark; often swims slowly or floats at the sea surface