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Below are the words that matched your query.

Baron Verulam
  1. noun - English statesman and philosopher; precursor of British empiricism; advocated inductive reasoning (1561-1626)
  1. noun - elaborate and extensive ornamentation in decorative art and architecture that flourished in Europe in the 17th century
  1. noun - a sensory receptor that responds to pressure
Barrel Cactus
  1. noun - a cactus of the genus Ferocactus: unbranched barrel-shaped cactus having deep ribs with numerous spines and usually large funnel-shaped flowers followed by dry fruits
  2. any cactus of the genus Echinocactus; strongly ribbed and very spiny; southwestern United States to Brazil
  1. adjective - having the general shape of a barrel
Barrier Strip
  1. noun - a junction unit for connecting 2 cables without the need for plugs
Bartlett Pear
  1. noun - juicy yellow pear
Baryon Number
  1. noun - a number equal to the difference between the number of baryons and the number of antibaryons in any subatomic structure; it is conserved in all types of particle interactions
Base On Balls
  1. noun - (baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls; "he worked the pitcher for a base on balls"
Baseball Card
  1. noun - a trading card with a picture of a baseball player and information about his playing record