Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Potato Blight
- noun - a blight of potatoes
Potato Family
- noun - large and economically important family of herbs or shrubs or trees often strongly scented and sometimes narcotic or poisonous; includes the genera Solanum, Atropa, Brugmansia, Capsicum, Datura, Hyoscyamus, Lycopersicon, Nicotiana, Petunia, Physalis, and Solandra
- large and economically important family of herbs or shrubs or trees often strongly scented and sometimes narcotic or poisonous; includes the genera Solanum; Atropa; Brugmansia; Capsicum; Datura; Hyoscyamus; Lycopersicon; Nicotiana; Petunia; Physalis; Sola
Potato Fungus
- noun - fungus causing a disease in potatoes characterized by black scurfy spots on the tubers
Potato Mildew
- noun - a blight of potatoes
Potato Mosaic
- noun - a disease of the leaves of potato plants
- noun - (medicine) the synergistic effect of two drugs given simultaneously
- noun - a measuring instrument for measuring direct current electromotive forces
- a resistor with three terminals, the third being an adjustable center terminal; used to adjust voltages in radios and TV sets
Potomac River
- noun - a river in the east central United States; rises in West Virginia in the Appalachian Mountains and flows eastward, forming the boundary between Maryland and Virginia, to the Chesapeake Bay
Potsdam Group
- - A subdivision of the Primordial or Cambrian period in American geology; -- so named from the sandstone of Potsdam, New York. See Chart of Geology.
Potter Around
- verb - move around aimlessly