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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - family of usually succulent herbs; cosmopolitan in distribution especially in Americas
Positive Muon
  1. noun - the antiparticle of a muon; decays to positron and neutrino and antineutrino
Positive Pole
  1. noun - the pole of a magnet that points toward the north when the magnet is suspended freely
  2. the terminal of a battery that is connected to the positive plate
  1. - Of or pertaining to possession; arising from possession.
  1. noun - a future prospect or potential; "this room has great possibilities"
  2. a possible alternative; "bankruptcy is always a possibility"
  3. a tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena; "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory"; "he proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was accepted in chemical practices"
  4. capability of existing or happening or being true; "there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired"
Post Exchange
  1. noun - a commissary on a United States Army post
Post Meridiem
  1. adjective - after noon
  2. between noon and midnight; "let''s meet at 8 P.M."
  3. between noon and midnight; "let's meet at 8 P.M."
  1. noun - the state in which women have stopped ovulating
  1. - Situated back of the temporal bone or the temporal region of the skull; -- applied especially to a bone which usually connects the supraclavicle with the skull in the pectoral arch of fishes. -- n. A post-temporal bone.
  1. - Situated behind the tympanum, or in the skull, behind the auditory meatus.