Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Plant Disease
- noun - a disease that affects plants
Plant Hormone
- noun - (botany) a hormone-like plant product
- (botany) a plant product that acts like a hormone
Plant Kingdom
- noun - (botany) the taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct plants
- the taxonomic kingdom comprising all living or extinct plants
Plant Process
- noun - a natural projection or outgrowth from a plant body or organ
Plant Product
- noun - a product made from plant material
- noun - coextensive with the family Plantaginaceae
Plantain Lily
- noun - any of numerous perennials having mounds of sumptuous broad ribbed leaves and clusters of white, blue, or lilac flowers; used as ground cover
Plantain Tree
- noun - a banana tree bearing hanging clusters of edible angular greenish starchy fruits; tropics and subtropics
- noun - neoplasm of plasma cells (usually in bone marrow)
Plaster Saint
- noun - a person (considered to be) without human failings; "he''s no plaster saint"
- a person (considered to be) without human failings; "he's no plaster saint"