Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Pinus Radiata
- noun - tall California pine with long needles in bunches of 3, a dense crown, and dark brown deeply fissured bark
Pinus Strobus
- noun - tall-growing pine of eastern North America; bark is brown with longitudinal fissures when mature; valued as a timber tree
Pinwheel Roll
- noun - pinwheel-shaped rolls spread with cinnamon and sugar and filled with e.g. jam before baking
Pioneers' Day
- - In Utah, a legal holiday, July 24, commemorated the arrival, in 1847, of Brigham Young and his followers at the present site of Salt Lake City.
Pipe Of Peace
- noun - a highly decorated ceremonial pipe of Amerindians; smoked on ceremonial occasions (especially as a token of peace)
- noun - a synthetic type of penicillin antibiotic (trade name Pipracil) used for moderate to severe infections
Piping Plover
- noun - small plover of eastern North America
- noun - a tart spicy quality
- the quality of being agreeably stimulating or mentally exciting
Piranga Rubra
- noun - of middle and southern United States; male is deep rose-red the female mostly yellow
Piriform Area
- noun - pear-shaped neural structure on either side of the brain in the rhinencephalon