Matching Words
8996 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Jimmy Doolittle
- noun - United States Air Force officer who electrified the world in 1942 by leading a squadron of 16 bombers on a daylight raid over Tokyo (1896-1993)
Joan Sutherland
- noun - Australian operatic soprano (born in 1926)
Job Application
- noun - an application for a job
Job Description
- noun - description of the responsibilities associated with a given job
Job's Comforter
- noun - A person who aggravates distress under the guise of giving comfort
- someone whose comfort is actually discouraging
Johannes Brahms
- noun - German composer who developed the romantic style of both lyrical and classical music (1833-1897)
Johannes Kepler
- noun - German astronomer who first stated laws of planetary motion (1571-1630)
John Barleycorn
- noun - an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented
- distilled rather than fermented
John C. Fremont
- noun - United States explorer who mapped much of the American west and Northwest (1813-1890)
John Chrysostom
- noun - (Roman Catholic Church) a Church Father who was a great preacher and bishop of Constantinople; a saint and Doctor of the Church (347-407)