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ST 4846 2 shipwreck 15th April 2019, 13:36
» by rusty
PEER REVIEW 381 80 mattrom 15th April 2019, 12:42
» by rossim
i Cryptic 2553 5 diablos 15th April 2019, 11:00
» by diablos
Everyman 3,783 29 brendan 15th April 2019, 09:31
» by cerasus
S/mail £100 crossword 3 jinty 15th April 2019, 09:23
» by jinty
Times No. 27,324 4 rocketman 15th April 2019, 08:37
» by rusty
S E skeleton 14/4/19 1 birthday girl 15th April 2019, 08:25
» by rocketman
Azed 2444 4 mattrom 14th April 2019, 22:59
» by mattrom
Express skeleton 3 april 14th April 2019, 19:42
» by tyke51
Linkword 12 rays 14th April 2019, 19:23
» by rays
Sunday Times Crossword 4846 4 willtunn 14th April 2019, 19:22
» by elle
alpha puzzle sunday 2 catwoman48 14th April 2019, 16:42
» by cerasus
Times Jumbo cryptic 1375 4 gerba 14th April 2019, 16:42
» by manxhatter
SWEP cryptic 2 martynclark 14th April 2019, 16:03
» by martynclark
YP Cryptic 1532. Last two letters to get! 2 buggles 14th April 2019, 14:55
» by buggles
Everyman 3783 7 bassa2010 14th April 2019, 14:51
» by bassa2010
Tls 1271 12 jadzia49 14th April 2019, 14:34
» by bunty
Everyman 7 thomas 14th April 2019, 13:31
» by andyc
Harpers 2019-05 puzzle 16 syzygy 14th April 2019, 13:25
» by rosalind
Listener 4549, May Contain Answers 112 malone 14th April 2019, 13:23
» by murky
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